4 Products
Specialty Coffee Pods
Certified 100% Compostable* and K-Cup® Compatible
GreenPods hold up to 40% more coffee than regular pods and are sealed immediately after grinding to guarantee a fresher, richer, better-tasting brew. Plus, they're nitrogen-flushed, giving them an impressive shelf life.
GreenPods contain zero petroleum-based "plastic" products. They are crafted from bio-resins, plant-based materials that break down using good composting practices.
GreenPods are made from materials that are certified compostable by the U.S. standards. All products certified compostable in the U.S. will say something about "Industrial Compost Facilities" because there are currently no Home Compostable Certifications in the States. But that doesn't mean you can't compost it at home!
What is Composting?
Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter. The resulting decomposed matter is called compost; it is rich in nutrients & wonderful for your garden & the planet.
Types of Composting:
- Industrial Compost Facilities
- Community Composters
- Home Compost Piles
Can I Compost?:
You may want to compost your organic waste but lack the desire or space to do so alone. What are your options? Depending on where you live, there are local composting small businesses. We use Compost Crew for our coffee grounds and chaff. You can also search this website,, for places in your area that accept various materials for composting.
Check out our YouTube Page for more information: GreenPods Explained
Learn more directly from GreenPods®: Composting & Plastic Education
*GreenPods® are made from components that have been certified in the US for industrial compost facilities. K-Cup® is a registered trademark of Keurig Inc. We have no affiliation with the owners of the trademark.